Hidden Joya In SEA
HJISA00007: A Thousand Buddhas「千佛」
HJISA00007: A Thousand Buddhas「千佛」
- Wan Heng 萬亨
- Original 原創Created in 2024
- Colour-painting-on-silk 绢本设色
- Dimension 尺寸: 115x62 cm
- Wood glass framed 木*鏡裱框
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Learn more about Wan Heng 萬亨
The painting employs a traditional colour-on-silk technique to depict multiple rows of Buddha figures, evoking a sense of solemnity and tranquility. Each Buddha is rendered with distinct postures and hues, creating a harmonious interplay across the composition while conveying a deep, meditative ambiance. Showcasing the refined aesthetics of Chinese painting, the artwork also pays homage to the Buddhist ideal of universal salvation.

Colour-painting-on-paper 纸本设色
「紙本設色」是中國繪畫中常見的技法,指在紙質底材上運用彩色顏料進行創作。由於紙張纖維結構具備良好的吸墨性,水分與顏料能產生多變的暈染效果,並呈現鮮明的墨韻與色彩層次。相比純水墨畫,紙本設色更強調色彩運用,展現豐富的視覺表現。然而,紙張易受濕度與環境影響,因而需更加謹慎地保存。 Colour-painting-on-paper is a common technique in Chinese art, referring to the...
Colour-painting-on-silk 絹本設色
「絹本設色」是中國傳統繪畫中常見的一種創作形式,指以絲絹(絹)作為畫布,運用彩色顏料進行繪製。由於絲絹具有獨特的紋理與光澤,顏料不易滲透,使作品能呈現精緻、工細的筆法與柔和高雅的質感。絲絹相對堅韌,具備良好的抗拉性與光澤度,能長期保持色彩的鮮豔度,但同樣需要防潮與防蛀,以確保作品的保存 Colour-painting-on-silk is a common form of traditional Chinese artwork, referring to...
Artist: Wan Heng 萬亨
藝術家簡介: 2006 年畢業於中國美術學院國畫系花鳥專業本科,學士學位。2015 年畢業於中國美術學院國畫專業,碩士學位。在中國畫的技法上受到了完整的教育和實踐,在繪畫藝術理論上亦獲得了系統的學習與薰陶。繪畫受宋人院體影響,筆墨精工,造型嚴謹,設色典雅,頗具宋元理法,卻不染刻板之弊。 Artist Biography: 2006, graduated with a Bachelor’s degree...