Hidden Joya In SEA
HJISA00010: Plum Blossoms and Spotted Doves「梅花斑鳩圖」
HJISA00010: Plum Blossoms and Spotted Doves「梅花斑鳩圖」
- Wan Heng 萬亨
- Original 原創Created in 2024
- Colour-painting-on-silk 绢本设色
- Dimension 尺寸: 63x150 cm (painting area 畫心)
- Wood glass framed 木*鏡裱框
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Learn more about Wan Heng 萬亨
Focusing on “Plum Blossoms and Spotted Doves,” this Chinese painting utilizes a traditional colour-on-silk technique to evoke the serene atmosphere of late winter and early spring. At the center of the scene, a spotted dove perches calmly on a robust plum branch, its still-unopened buds hinting at nature’s revival to come. Meticulous brushwork reveals the intricate feather patterns of the dove and the textured bark of the branch, while strategic open space highlights the tender grace of the impending blooms. In Chinese culture, the spotted dove symbolizes harmony and good fortune, while the plum blossom signifies resilience and purity. Together, they convey a graceful union of symbolic meanings and natural elegance.

Colour-painting-on-paper 纸本设色
「紙本設色」是中國繪畫中常見的技法,指在紙質底材上運用彩色顏料進行創作。由於紙張纖維結構具備良好的吸墨性,水分與顏料能產生多變的暈染效果,並呈現鮮明的墨韻與色彩層次。相比純水墨畫,紙本設色更強調色彩運用,展現豐富的視覺表現。然而,紙張易受濕度與環境影響,因而需更加謹慎地保存。 Colour-painting-on-paper is a common technique in Chinese art, referring to the...
Colour-painting-on-silk 絹本設色
「絹本設色」是中國傳統繪畫中常見的一種創作形式,指以絲絹(絹)作為畫布,運用彩色顏料進行繪製。由於絲絹具有獨特的紋理與光澤,顏料不易滲透,使作品能呈現精緻、工細的筆法與柔和高雅的質感。絲絹相對堅韌,具備良好的抗拉性與光澤度,能長期保持色彩的鮮豔度,但同樣需要防潮與防蛀,以確保作品的保存 Colour-painting-on-silk is a common form of traditional Chinese artwork, referring to...
Artist: Wan Heng 萬亨
藝術家簡介: 2006 年畢業於中國美術學院國畫系花鳥專業本科,學士學位。2015 年畢業於中國美術學院國畫專業,碩士學位。在中國畫的技法上受到了完整的教育和實踐,在繪畫藝術理論上亦獲得了系統的學習與薰陶。繪畫受宋人院體影響,筆墨精工,造型嚴謹,設色典雅,頗具宋元理法,卻不染刻板之弊。 Artist Biography: 2006, graduated with a Bachelor’s degree...